Brockton, Massachusetts
Program: New 4 story, 60,000 SF bank headquarters
Solution: The building bends in plan to acknowledge Route 24 on its more 'public' side, and to create a more welcoming arrival and drop-off sequence opposite. The concept for the exterior is a simple, base, middle and top scheme, with individual facades responding to differing site conditions. The arrival side features an arcade with projecting metal canopy that leads to the main entrance.
An intimately-scaled and carefully detailed lobby recalls the building form, as does the 4th floor board room, with its wood paneling and high-end finishes. The open office and employee common areas are designed to be more playful and fun, with bold splashes of color that provide a complimentary contrast to the public areas.
Architect of Record: ADD Inc, Michael T. Doherty, designer and project manager